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Alumni Spotlight
Geoffrey “Barty” Bartlett
East Rochester High School Class of 1973
Geoffrey “Barty” Bartlett was a native East
Rochesterian. After graduating from East
Rochester High School in 1973, Mr. Bartlett attended Monroe Community College
for 2 years. After acquiring degrees in
both Criminal Justice and Police Science, Mr. Bartlett entered the New York
State Police Academy. After successful
completion, Mr. Bartlett’s first job with law enforcement was with the East
Rochester Police Department. After a
short stint with the East Rochester Police Department, Mr. Bartlett and his
wife Marianne (Dunn), also a homegrown East Rochesterian, relocated to the
state of Maryland where he completed another demanding police academy and
promptly joined the local police department.
In his 20 years as a police officer, Mr. Bartlett served as
a patrolman, member of the SWAT team, as well as a First Class Deputy Sheriff
for the county police department. An
additional highlight of Mr. Bartlett’s career in law enforcement was his
position as a nationally ranked motor vehicle collision reconstructionist. Wanting to share his experiences, Mr.
Bartlett decided to put pen to paper and wrote a book about his life as an
officer of the law entitled: “Deputy
Death: Memoirs of a Retired Law Enforcement
Officer Collision Reconstructionist,” where he documents his real life police
stories and experiences.
Sadly, Mr. Bartlett passed away in 2022. But fortunately, the stories and accounts he
never shared before publication of his memoirs, live on.
Lost your yearbook? Check out the East Rochester History Website!
The East Rochester Local History office has a new webpage containing 8500+ photos of ERHS graduates organized by graduation year.
Click here to get lost in history! 
Upcoming Reunions....
Send us your reunion information and we'll post here!
Class Contacts
Class of 1944:
Nick Verzella: [email protected]
Class of 1954:
Jim Burlingame: [email protected]
Class of 1959:
Carl Tobin: [email protected] or (585) 526-6120.
Class of 1961:
Sam Morabito: [email protected]
Bob Tobin: [email protected]).
Class of 1965:
Fred Ricci: https://www.facebook.com/fred.ricci.7?fref=ts
Class of 1973:
Rosanne Fabi: [email protected]
Wayne Petti: [email protected].
Class of 1980:
Jane Aloisio Shebert: [email protected]
Class of 1984:
Kristen Young Adler: [email protected]
Matt Murabito:[email protected].
Class of 1985:
Dori Pallini Stathopoulos: [email protected]
Class of 1990:
Christi Sciarratta Whitman: [email protected]

Class of 1990
“Always remembering Carlee Schwartz and praying for Kirk Johnston”