Funded Grants and Projects

Using funds received from individual donations as well as from our various fundraising activities, the East Rochester Alumni Foundation provides “Excellence in Education” grants for the benefit of all students. The District Superintendent's Cabinet and several members of the Foundation review grant applications and recommend the acceptance or rejection of each grant to the Foundation’s Board of Directors. Foundation operating expenses are covered solely by donations from our Board of Directors.

2023 -2024 Grant Summary

The ER Alumni Foundation has been able to provide funding totaling more than $250,000 since it began awarding grants in 2006.  We have been honored to assist with varied activities and programs to help our students PreK to Grade 12.  Below is a list of grant funded activities for 2023 -2024.

Urban Suburban Welcome Picnic

ER 6-12 Link Crew

Student of the Month Breakfast Celebration

Student of the Month Drawstring Bags

PK-12 Donut Project

Teens and Tots

Science Olympiad

Roses for Veterans and Assemblies

2nd Grade Smoke Detector Project

Solar Eclipse Science Education Project

8th Grade Trip to Washington, DC

Class of 2024 Senior Trip

Imagination Library of East Rochester

8th Grade Celebration

Alumni Connection Day